Step 2: Site Prep
The requirements for this step will certainly vary widely, but it basically involves getting all of the services you need to use while you are building. I will be living on my lot at the same time as I am building …
The requirements for this step will certainly vary widely, but it basically involves getting all of the services you need to use while you are building. I will be living on my lot at the same time as I am building …
Where are you going to build your dream home? For myself, it was important to locate a site where I could find affordable land near a large city. Luckily for me, I was able to find the perfect spot. An …
Installing continuous plywood sheathing isn’t one of the more difficult tasks in building a house, but my mentor showed me how to do it the right way. The first step is to nail in blocking between the studs at the sections …
How to Apply Continuous Plywood Sheathing Efficiently Read more »
When most people think about the structural integrity of the house, they think about the force of gravity pulling on the house and the need for structural members like studs, headers, top and bottom plates to be strong enough to …