Two other items that need to be installed before adding the sheathing are the lookouts, fascia, and subfascia.  These elements will work together to add some flair to the edge of the roof line.  The lookouts run along the gable …

Step 11b – Lookouts and Fascia Read more »

Working on the roof definitely has its perks when it comes to sunset!  Doesn’t show up as well in the picture but I had a beautiful view of a snow covered Mt. Baker from the roof ridge (top center of …

Step 11a – Frieze Blocks and Baffles Read more »

The first part of building the roof frame is to “roll trusses”.  Although some old fashioned builders prefer to frame their roofs one piece of lumber at a time, when building solo it can be dangerous to handle large roof …

Step 11 – Install the Roof Frame Read more »

You can see how I’ve been trying to keep the OSB flooring dry with a tarp but with the walls going up it is difficult.  Luckily, I spent some extra money on Weyerhauser EdgeGold OSB subfloor and according to their …

Step 10 – Frame the Second Floor Read more »

Before the subfloor can be nailed onto the joists, small sections of 2×12 called “blocking” must be installed.  Together with the rim joists they ensure that the floor joists won’t roll onto their flat sides where they can easily bend.  …

Step 9a – Install Blocking and Plumbing Read more »

Flooring is pretty basic, and if you’ve ever noticed how a deck is built then you have the gist of it.  Long boards called joists are laid out parallel with each other and on their sides so they won’t bend …

Step 9 – Frame the Floor Read more »

With all of the 1st floor walls complete, it was neat to be able to navigate the rooms and get an idea of the feel of the dimensions of the house.   Before moving on to the 2nd floor I needed …

Step 8c – Plumb and Line Read more »

In my last post, I discussed how using advanced framing would help me lower my heating bill by creating more space for insulation.  However, insulating a house is just one of the ways to reduce the amount of energy needed …

Step 8b – Frame the Interior Walls Read more »

To an experienced framer, the work I have completed over the last couple of days would seem wrong.  It is quite possible they would never have seen a house framed the way that I am framing mine.  A few might …

Step 8a – Utilize Advanced Framing Techniques Read more »

After spending the weekend spraying the new slab down every hour or so, it was finally time to get the walls up!  This process of “wet curing” concrete can add up to 50 percent more strength when done for 3-7 …

Step 8 – Frame the First Floor Read more »